Elee Williams Reeves
First Lady of Mississippi
First Lady of Mississippi, Elee Williams Reeves, grew up in Tylertown where her parents emphasized the importance of education and giving back to the community.
After graduating from McComb High School, she pursued her degree at Millsaps College in Jackson, graduating with honors. Elee also holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Millsaps College.
Beginning her career in 2001, Elee continues to help others reach their financial goals daily as an investment advisor with Coker & Palmer. She is a member of the Chartered Financial Analyst Society of Mississippi and the Chartered Financial Institute. In 1997, she was the recipient of the Mississippi Society of Financial Analyst Award.
Committed to giving back to her community and her fellow Mississippians, Elee volunteers her time to numerous charitable and civic organizations, including Girl Scouts of Greater Mississippi where as a child she sharpened her leadership skills. She has been a troop leader for the past 23 years and serves as her youngest daughter Maddie’s troop leader currently. She was honored to be named the 2005-2006 Girl Scout Council of Middle Mississippi’s Women of Distinction. In 2020, Elee became the co-chair of the Programs of Hope, a program committed to improving the lives of families impacted by the foster care system in Mississippi. One of the positive results of her involvement in this program has been the creation of “Mississippi’s Fred the Turtle” activity book, which will begin distribution in March. Elee has been an avid volunteer and partner with Keep Mississippi Beautiful, organizing and encouraging clean-up efforts throughout the state. As Honorary Board Chair of the Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service, Elee assists with the promotion of volunteerism in Mississippi. A supporter of the arts, Elee has served as vice chairwoman of the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra Foundation Board and president of the Jackson Symphony League. She is the Honorary Chairman of the upcoming 2023 International Ballet Competition and currently serves as Chairman of the Mississippi Museum of Art Foundation Board. Elee sits on the University of Mississippi Medical Center MIND Center Board, and is a sustainer in the Junior League of Jackson. A member of the Kappa Delta Jackson Area Alumnae Association where she served as a past president, Elee was the recipient of the Kappa Delta Order of the Pearl National Award in 2007, and in 2020 the Kappa Delta Woman of Achievement Award.
Elee and Governor Tate Reeves are the proud parents of three daughters, Tyler, Emma, and Maddie. They attend Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church. The First Family enjoys sharing their home with their King Charles Cavalier dogs, Belle and Hazel.